Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie.
May 2, 1963
Andover Man Escapes Explosion: Reginald Matana of Andover escaped with his life and without injury when he instinctively jumped from his car just before it exploded last Monday. The gas tank on Mr. Matana’s 1955 sedan let go and dragged along the paved surface of the road, generating sparks that ignited the escaping gas fumes, causing the car to explode and catch on fire. The tinder dry brush along the side of the road smoldered, but was quickly brought under control by Salisbury Fire Department, which is housed but a short distance away.
Much sympathy to the family of Mr. Robert McIvor, who passed away last week. Funeral at Chadwick Funeral Home. Burial at Lakeside.
The Andover Women’s Bowling League held their annual banquet Saturday evening at the Laconia Tavern. There were 101 guests and members present. Winning Team – the Sociables; Millie Newton, Florence Thompson, Linda Shampney, Yvette Shaw, Joyce Rand – Captain.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shank of Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor and baby have put their trailers on Beech Hill.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene (Pauline Barton) French on the birth of their new son born at Franklin Hospital this week.
May 9, 1963
Dr. W. H. Norton, who has maintained an office in Franklin, and used to have an office in Andover, has retired to Concord.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bliss on the birth of a son at Franklin Hospital April 29.
Weirs Drive-in is featuring a bonnie new film; Follow That Dream with Elvis Presley.
May 16, 1963
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parks are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances, to Wayne Wheeler of Sutton. The wedding will take place June 1. They also announce the engagement of their daughter, Jessie Parks Fortune, to Mr. Elwood R. Davis of Agawam, Massachusetts. A July wedding is planned.
The Wm. J. Orkin catalog is available to anyone interested in their fine line of fried marbles for making necklaces, cuff links, earrings, tie clips, sweater clips barrettes, rings, etc.
The burial of Mrs. Hazel Flanders was held Saturday at Proctor Cemetery.
May 23, 1963
Much credit goes to the East Andover Fire Department for their quick action at the Herbert Holden home last Wednesday evening. The chimney was on fire and caught the wall and did damage to the attic. The Holdens very much appreciated their help and thank the firemen for their fine work.
Mrs. Willis and son from Franklin have moved their trailer on the land they recently purchased from Henry Fagon on Flaghole Road. Henry has sold some more of his field and more trailers will be put on the land.
May 30, 1963
A regular meeting of the Boy Scouts will be held in Legion Hall at Potter Place every Monday night, with the new Scoutmaster, Howard George.
Paul Fenton, Jr. has gone to work for US Department of Agriculture. Paul will be in a training program for eighteen months, after which he will be located somewhere in New England.
The East Andover Fire Company was called to a fire at Ragged Lake Boys Camp Sunday evening. With quick action the fire was kept under control. A small building, a platform, and some brush was destroyed.