Watch out, readers, The Vampire in the Lemon Grove, brought to you by Karen Russell, has arrived at your library, and it’s out and about already. Need help? Call the Midwife, by Jennifer Worth, is a wonderful story turned into a BBC series. Need serious assistance? Mitch Rabb and his gang of covert CIA operatives storm through Afghanistan in Vince Flynn’s latest, The Last Man.
If you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, try Fritz Wetherbee’s new book, New Hampshire Rocks, as seen on WMUR’s New Hampshire Chronicle. And at the end of the day, let Sherri Rinker help put you and your family to sleep with Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site.
Speaking of family, author Deborah Wiles has written a trilogy about the life and times of a small southern town that would make perfect dinner or bedtime reading for a whole batch of folks. Each Little Bird That Sings; Love, Ruby Lavender; and The Aurora County All-Stars represent all that is good about towns just like ours and present dilemmas we have all faced as children, e.g., what to do when the all-star game is set up against the town’s historical pageant, and you’re supposed to be in both.
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