Invitation to Participate in the Tenth Annual Town Clean Up

Be safe and maintain social distancing while working

By Lee Wells

The Andover Community Hub got us started on an Earth Day-inspired town clean up.  Now that we are off to a great start, let’s keep going and join the tenth annual Town Clean-Up for the entire month of May. This is a joint effort by the Andover Conservation Commission, the Hub, and the Town of Andover.

Everyone is encouraged to enjoy being outside and contributing to making our town more beautiful. Participants can pick up free blue trash bags from the W. A. Bachelder Library porch, from the plastic bin on the front steps of the Hub, the transfer station, and from the lobbies of both Andover post offices. Please be safe: practice social distancing, and wear bright colors and work gloves. Find a section of road that you’d like to clean up, park your car on the shoulder of the road, put on your flashers, and pick up trash in the area in front of your car and well to the side of the road. If you find that your chosen area has already been done, please move to another area to clean-up.

Please take the bags to the transfer station. If you’d like to be a superstar, please separate the trash that you have collected into separate bags of trash to throw away, and bags of glass, aluminum cans, recyclable plastic containers to be recycled.

We hope that you will join this clean-up effort.