As you know, with the President’s declaration of a National Emergency and the Governor’s declaration of a State of Emergency regarding the COVID-19 cornonavirus pandemic on Friday, March 13, the Town Office has been closed to the public.
This world health crisis has activated Andover’s emergency management planning for the protection and wellness of our residents and of Town employees. The emergency management team has been meeting, and we continue to monitor national and state emergency management communications. Our first responders have instituted policies for the response to emergencies and non-emergency calls for service.
These front-line responders must take extra precautions to limit their exposure, and we would like to ask our residents to assist us in helping to limit risk-exposure to our Town employees. We would ask residents to limit their personal contact with all Town employees in all departments.
Residents are encouraged to utilize electronic, telephone, or written communications. These methods can be used for renewals of Motor Vehicle Registrations, Dog License, Vital Records, and tax payments and can be made via, or the Town Hall drop box (the Andover Library book return) which is checked daily, Monday through Friday, or by the US mail.
Building permits can also be obtained via electronic submission to, and payments can be received via the drop box or US mail.
With your help we can keep this virus under control and our employees well and ready to serve you. If you have any questions or need assistance in navigating these new communication methods, please contact us at 735-5332.