Andover School Board Minutes – May 5, 2020

By Judith Turk

This meeting was held remotely (online/telephonically) pursuant to Governor’s Emergency Order #12, dated March 23, 2020.

As a preface to the meeting, Board Chair Dean Barker presented the “Presiding Member’s Script To Ensure Meetings Are Compliant With The Right-to Know Law During The State Of Emergency.”

1. Roll Call And Call To Order – The ASB organizational meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Board Chair, Dean Barker.

Board Present: Dean Barker -home, solo; Aimee Menard- home, solo; Brandon Adams-home, solo; Theresa Georges-home, solo; Adam Jones- home, solo

Administration Present:  Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Robin Heins, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk.

Public Present: Hilary Denoncourt, Greg Stetson, Molly Morgan

2. Non-public Session – RSA 91-A:311 – The Board reserves the right to adjourn or recess a meeting of any time to discuss such matters as are properly considered in non-public session in accordance with RSA 91 A:3.

Dean moved to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3II (b) at 6:35 p.m., Aimee made the second.

Dean Barker: yes; Aimee Menard: yes; Brandon Adams: yes; Theresa Georges: yes; Adam Jones: yes
All were in favor and the Board went into Non-Public Session.

3.  Return To Public Session:

Roll Call:
Board Present:  Dean Barker, Aimee Menard, Brandon Adams, Theresa Georges, Adam Jones

4.  Action From Non-public Session:  Dean made the motion to accept the AE/MS staff nominations of Dennis Audet (Plant Manager), Beth Page (Special Education Case Manager) and Alita Phelps  (Special Education Case Manager) as presented for the 2020-2021 school year.  Aimee made the second.

Voting:  Dean Barker: yes; Aimee Menard: yes; Brandon Adams: yes; Theresa Georges: yes; Adam Jones: yes
All were in favor and the nominations were approved.

5.  Minutes Of Previous Meetings:

For the Public Session of April 2, 2020, Adam motioned to accept the minutes and Aimee made the second.

Voting:  Dean Barker: yes; Aimee Menard: yes; Brandon Adams: yes; Theresa Georges: yes; Adam Jones: yes
All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the Non-public Session of April 2, 2020, Adam motioned to accept the minutes and Aimee made the second.

Voting: Dean Barker: yes; Aimee Menard: yes; Brandon Adams: yes; Theresa Georges: yes; Adam Jones: yes
All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

6.  Finance Report: Aimee motioned to approve the finance report.  Adam made the second.

Voting: Dean Barker: yes; Aimee Menard: yes; Brandon Adams: yes; Theresa Georges: yes; Adam Jones: yes
All were in favor and the finance report was approved.

7.  Public Comment: Greg Stetson inquired as to the status of the current grant funding  allocations and disbursement relating to COVID-19 support. Molly Morgan requested consideration involving revising the current 2019-2020 school year calendar.

8. Board Chairperson’s Report:  Dean acknowledged the receipt of thank you notes from Jane and Gail for their recent Andover School Board retirement recognition presented at the Annual Meeting. He expressed appreciation to the Andover School Board, school community at large and all of those who have invested in the safety of our students at this time through their sacrifices. He highlighted the relevance of Teacher Appreciation Week during remote learning.

9.  Principal’s Report:  Jane spoke of her pride and the generosity of the community at this time through donations. She detailed some current classroom happenings including live art sessions.  Graduation will be held drive in movie style on June 11, details to follow. The rain date will be on June 16. Teachers will reenter the school with social distancing and on staggered schedules to prepare their classrooms for summer cleaning on Fridays, beginning on May 15.  Professional development opportunities will be offered at the end of the school year.

10.  Old Business:  None

11.  New Business: 

  a.  Federal Grant General Assurances:  Aimee made the motion to accept the Federal Grant Assurances as presented. Theresa made the second.

Voting:  Dean Barker: yes; Aimee Menard: yes; Brandon Adams: yes; Theresa Georges: yes; Adam Jones: yes
All were in favor and the assurances were approved.

b. Emergency Hire Authorization: Theresa made the motion to authorize Superintendent Mark MacLean to nominate and hire Andover School District staff as necessary beginning on May 5, 2020 and continuing until the September Board Meeting.  Adam made the second.

Voting:  Dean Barker: yes; Aimee Menard: yes; Brandon Adams: yes; Theresa Georges: yes; Adam Jones: yes
All were in favor and the hiring authorization was approved.

11. Manifest Journal Entries:  Aimee made the motion to approve the manifests,  Brandon made the second.

Voting: Dean Barker: yes; Aimee Menard: yes; Brandon Adams: yes; Theresa Georges: yes; Adam Jones: yes
All were in favor and the journal entries were approved.

12. Superintendent’s Report: Mark acknowledged Teacher Appreciation Week and recognized the supporting parents as well. The teachers will be provided with a small token in appreciation of all of their efforts. The SAU Board has a scheduled meeting for May 20 at 6 PM.

13. Assistant Superintendent’s Report:  Randy echoed the sentiments of Dean, Jane and Mark, expressing appreciation to all who have been supporting remote learning. A technology consultant, Chris Vose will be providing support to AE/MS as further needs progress. It will be a stipend position.

14. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Turk