The Andover Historical Society invites the public to participate in the Old Time Fair Online Auction, an online silent auction beginning at 8 AM on Sunday, August 2, and continuing until 8 PM on Saturday, August 8. The auction is supported by an easy-to-use technology called Auctria, which can be viewed on home computers and hand-held devices.

Also, during the August 2 Historical-Society-sponsored “virtual” concert by Lindsey Schust and the Ragged Mountain Band (which begins at 6 PM), there will be a special “behind-the-scenes” tour of the Old Time Fair Online Auction where viewers can see highlights of the auction and learn how to bid online. Attend this concert by sending an e-mail to Treasurer@nullAndoverHistory.org.
To view the items up for bid or to place a bid, go to the Old Time Fair Auction website at Auctria.com/Auction/OldTimeFair2020 . You will also find the link to the auction on the Andover Historical Society website at AndoverHistory.org.
Offered in the auction, and pictured online, will be 50 items of local historical interest acquired by the Society over the years from a variety of sources. Included are furniture, china glass, artwork, railroad-related items, and other collectibles.
To view the auction items, visit Auctria.com/Auction/OldTimeFair2020 and click “Auction Catalog.” Here you will find brief descriptions and a thumbnail photo of each item in the auction. Click any item to see more details, larger photograph(s), and the starting or current bid. Then make your bid!
All funds raised will go to support the work of the Society.