Andover Conservation Commission Approved Minutes – June 10, 2020

By Lee Wells

Andover Conservation Commission
June 10, 2020
Condensed from approved minutes:

Present via Zoom: Jesse Schust, Jerry Hersey, Nancy Robart, Tina Cotton, Alan McIntyre, Lee Wells, Jenny Bodwell, Derek Mansell

Project approval notification letter from Green Acres of Rumney granting permission  for a forestry/timber harvest provided it meets DES criteria.

Wetland Minor Impact Application 20-0-115-6: copy of project with Josh Pine working with John Champagne.  It is for a small perched wet area high up near the Salisbury town line underlain by a rock ledge.

Two notices for the DOT on the project to replace the two bridges on Route 11 by the Hogback near the Franklin town line. Tina responded to the priority questions and suggested the alternative of one bridge only spanning both Sucker brook and the Rail Trail. Other groups in town were also solicited for input.

Beacon articles: Lee’s tick article is on the website, and Tina’s article on walks was in the paper. Jenny will write an article about the Pullerbear Pro small tree and weed extractor.  It is in Lee’s barn while Town Hall is closed.  People can call Lee directly to make arrangements to borrow it.

Budget: Jenny proposed reimbursing Jesse every month for the cost of the Zoom subscription ($14.99) until we don’t need it anymore; seconded by Alan, all in favor.

Trail damage by ATVs along Mountain Brook (Newman easement) John Warzocha reported ongoing forestry work of cutting, trail work, and water bars to prevent water erosion. It would be a challenge for ATVs to get beyond them. John said the Boy Scouts would be happy to work on signage.


Edibeth Farrington reported that the Andover trail has been greatly impacted by ATVs and that ATV users tend to find ways around signage. We may need to get some enforcement involved. Topographically, a barrier might be effective, but at the least, we need to post signage stating that it is private conservation land, and that no ATVs or motorized vehicles are allowed. Alan is willing to hammer in signs. 


Jim McKenna, the landowner, has offered to pay for signs at the Elbow Pond side and the Hill town-line side. Action item: Alan will look into signs, Lee and Derek will post them. Jim will reimburse. Signs should be installed with lag-bolts to make them more permanent and less likely to be stolen.

Transmission lines: Eversource sensitive to the environmental impact of replacing the wooden poles with steel ones, similar to what was done last year in the western part of town.

Japanese knotweed: Who is spraying the Japanese Knotweed along Route 4 and Route 11? Action item: Derek will call NH DOT.

White Oak Pit current status: Waiting to hear from David Blinn, who in turn is waiting on the Executive Council. Ask the Select Board to keep us informed.

July meeting: Jesse moves that we meet via Zoom, until we vote otherwise, Nancy seconded: all in favor. We will post this on our website, asking people to contact Nancy if they wish to be invited to the meeting. 

Hopkins Pond: Nancy has posters that were used last year to post at Hopkins Pond when it was closed due to cyanobacteria.  The State is no longer doing the testing. Alan has been to the pond; it looks great as of two weeks ago. Action item: Alan will look into what we need to do to submit samples for testing. 

Larry Chase and Earle Davis are involved with volunteer water testing of Bradley Lake and Highland Lake, respectively.

Wetlands ordinance map: Harvey Pine’s students included a video on how to use the Google Maps feature. The link is posted on our website. We should take a look at it and define what is working well and what isn’t, what changes need to be made. 

Link for the video:

Beaver Deceivers: We could have Skip Lisle visit Andover’s Beaver Deceivers for a check and explanation for anyone interested in how they work and are cleared.