Andover School Board Minutes – July 14, 2020

 Condensed from approved minutes
This meeting was held remotely (online/telephonically) pursuant to
Governor’s Emergency Order #12, dated March 23, 2020.

As a preface to the meeting, Board Chair Dean Barker presented the “Presiding Member’s Script To Ensure Meetings Are Compliant With The Right-to Know Law During The State Of Emergency.”

Board Present: Dean Barker-home, solo; Aimee Menard- home, solo; Brandon Adams-home, solo; Theresa Georges- home, solo; Adam Jones- home, solo

Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Hilary Denoncourt, Kathleen Boucher, Dennis Dobe and Judith Turk.

Public Present: Greg Stetson

Public Comment: Mr. Stetson asked questions regarding the Governor’s guidance of school reopening re: mask requirements and parental options for sending their children to school.

Board Chairperson’s Report: Dean stated that he is grateful to the administration for their continual work with the planning process for the reopening of schools. The Andover School District will focus on safety, “first, last, and always” for our students. Ongoing monitoring will take place regarding nationwide surges and seasonality factors.

Principal’s Report: Dennis expressed gratitude for the warm reception that he has received from the community at large along with the support of outgoing staff, the SAU, and the Merrimack Valley School District custodians. He introduced the new staff: Ashley Lester, Administrative Assistant; Dennis Audet, AE/MS Facility Manager; Sarah Colson, Middle School Math Teacher; Beth Page and Alita Phelps, Special Education Case Managers; Lydia Zeller, School Psychologist, and Dennis Dobe, Principal. 


Professional Development In Service Days for staff have been moved from June to August. Meals continue to be offered to families in need, currently around 12 families are being served. He is “glad to be here.”

Planning for Next Year: Mark summarized some preliminary results of the recent survey sent to parents, staff and students of SAU 46. The state guidance document was presented this afternoon and will be reviewed for consideration when enhancing the options and safety protocols within the buildings for staff and students if the decision is made to return to the schools. Transportation will be a major factor as well. Consistent communication with the community will be paramount during the planning process for the potential reopening of schools.

Student Assistance Program: A detailed attachment was added to the Board packet providing a description of the program that was presented to the students during this school year relating to drug and alcohol prevention education for grades six through eight. The program was made possible through a donation given by Proctor Academy for the benefit of the AE/MS students and was facilitated by Kim Haley.

Superintendent’s Report: Mark echoed Dennis’s comments regarding new AE/MS staff and plans for professional development. He has been involved in several governing administrative meetings regarding the plans for reopening the schools safely. 


He thanked the Board and community in advance for their support and flexibility and encouraged questions. He expressed gratitude to those who participated in completing the recent survey.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report: Randy stated that there is now a digital timecard process for hourly employees. Andover is on the list to receive PPE in preparation for the new school year. There will be several policies presented to the Board before the next meeting for immediate approval.