Andover School Board Minutes – July 22, 2020

Condensed from approved minutes

July 22, 2020
Special Meeting Minutes
This meeting was held remotely (online/telephonically) pursuant to
Governor’s Emergency Order #12, dated March 23, 2020.

As a preface to the meeting, Board Chair Dean Barker presented the “Presiding Member’s Script To Ensure Meetings Are Compliant With The Right-to Know Law During The State Of Emergency.”

Board Present:  Dean Barker: home, solo; Aimee Menard: home, solo; Brandon Adams: home, solo; Theresa Georges: home, solo; Adam Jones: home, solo

Administration Present:  Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Hilary Denoncourt, Kathleen Boucher, Dennis Dobe, and Judith Turk.

Public Present:  Approximately 60 participants from the community attended the session, involved in the discussion with questions and comments.

Mark MacLean, Superintendent of Schools, presented the proposed framework: Phased-in Approach to Safely Reopening Schools.  Components addressed included:  Data Review and Survey Results; Proposed Format Options; Modifications to School Calendar; Transportation; Target Dates; and COVID Response Protocol.

Adam made the motion to accept the Andover School District School Reopening Framework document as presented.  Aimee made the second. 

Discussion took place among all participants.

Voting:  Dean Barker, yes; Aimee Menard, yes; Brandon Adams, yes; Theresa Georges, yes; and Adam Jones, yes.