Andover School Board Minutes – August 11, 2020

By Judith Turk

This meeting was held remotely pursuant to Governor’s Emergency Order #12, dated March 23, 2020.

As a preface to the meeting, Board Chair Dean Barker presented the “Presiding Member’s Script To Ensure Meetings Are Compliant With The Right-to Know Law During The State Of Emergency.”

Board Present:  Dean Barker: home, solo; Aimee Menard: home, solo; Theresa Georges: home, solo; Adam Jones: home, solo

Administration Present:  Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Hilary Denoncourt, Kathleen Boucher, Dennis Dobe, and Judith Turk

Public Present:  Megan Philbrook

Board Chairperson’s Report:  Dean announced that he is stepping down in his role as Board Chair effective immediately.  Dean nominated Aimee Menard to assume the position of Andover School District Board Chairperson. All were in favor.

Dean made the motion to nominate Adam Jones to assume the position of Andover School Board Vice Chairperson. All were in favor.

Principal’s Report:   Dennis spoke of the current activities that are taking place in preparation for the new school year.  There are several committees that are developing strategic plans in specific areas such as Hybrid/Remote Model Instruction, Safety, Community Outreach, Student Services, Food Services, and Transportation, among others. There is also a Parent Advisory Group, and the PTO will be setting up forums.  


Teachers have been setting up their classrooms.  Further professional development opportunities, parent training, and Open House events will occur before the opening of school.  


Dennis commended the Merrimack Valley School District Facilities Team along with Dennis Audet, AE/MS Facilities Manager, for their tremendous efforts in thoroughly cleaning and preparing the school building for the students’ arrival.  He thanked Randy for his support with both grant applications and technology issues.

Old Business

Planning for Next Year:   Mark summarized the most current parent survey results, with the majority choosing hybrid learning for their children.  Most will require technology devices, and a minimal percentage will need School District transportation.  Masks will be required on the buses.  


As further information becomes available, plans will be refined.  Regarding AE/MS sports, they will be limited, structured, and kept local. 
Superintendent’s Report:   Mark noted the peaceful transition of leadership among the School Board members and thanked Dean for his leadership.  He acknowledged Dennis Dobe and Dennis Audet for their continued efforts.  He stated that as information continues to be received, clarity of building decisions will be provided to the community.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report:  Randy commended Dennis Dobe for his open door policy and leadership.