Natalie Wells Understands What it Means to be a Representative

By Trish Demers

The definition of a Representative (in this case, New Hampshire House of Representatives) – of a Legislative or deliberative assembly, consisting of people chosen to act and speak on behalf of a wider group.

Natalie Wells understands this. She listens to what her constituents are saying, and when someone goes to her with a particular issue, she listens and gets you answers.

I have had a personal experience with Natalie and how she listens and gets things done;  I contacted Natalie after much frustration over months of trying to find help with a veteran’s issue for a member of our family. Within two days Natalie had contacted me back with information on the right people in order to get the help we had been needing, but just couldn’t find on our own.

Rest assured, as a New Hampshire State Representative, Merrimack, District 25, Natalie Wells will be watching and working hard on issues that matter to us;  Voter integrity, Pro life, 2nd Amendment, Education, Taxes, and small businesses, among many others.

I encourage you to Vote on November 3, 2020 for Natalie Wells, and you too will see how hard she will work for you in the New Hampshire House of Representatives!

Trish Demers