The cabbage plants have arrived for 3rd grade students – It is now official that spring must be here! Each student receives one mega cabbage plant to bring home and plant in their own garden. The plants are hardy and indestructible. Students then enter the nationwide 3rd Grade Cabbage Contest in hopes of winning a $1000 college scholarship but maybe more importantly to grow the largest cabbage ever and then take a creative photograph of it to bring back to school at the end of the summer. I am already looking forward to seeing the mega cabbage photos!
Kindergarten registration brought 30 eager and enthusiastic 4 and 5 year olds into the building during the month of April. Teachers and administrators were able to get a peek at what the future holds. The children are very excited to attend the big school next year and even more excited to ride the school bus. We are thrilled to have this new group of students and their families join our school community.
Speaking of kindergarten, we are always in need of good quality Dr. Seuss books, Bob books, and other early reading books. If you are spring cleaning and looking for a new home for books please consider AE/MS.
Our Student Leadership team has organized a spring cleaning for the school grounds. Weather permitting this will take place at the end of April and beginning of May. There is always a lot to do but with all of us working together we can tackle most anything.
Congratulations again to the AE/MS Student Council for their successful Pennies for Patients fundraiser. Students lugged in pounds and pounds of coins and a $1587 donation was made to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Well done, Student Council!
Three seniors returned from MVHS before vacation to share their senior projects with the middle school students. Marissa Laro, Kristie Perrault, and Stephanie Croteau were very informative and in addition to their project synopsis they also shared valuable advice for a successful freshman year. The middle school students were extremely attentive and asked great questions of the seniors. Senior Project expectations and timeline was clarified for the 7th and 8th grade students.
This winter the students have had the opportunity to walk in the morning before the day begins. Students have been scurrying into building and joining their friends as they do laps around the gym. There is music playing and a very enthusiastic walking group. Students begin walking when buses arrive (7:30) and continue until the first bell at 7:40. It has been an energizing way to start the day. Now that the nice weather has returned the students will get their morning exercise outside before the day begins.
The number of students who eat school breakfast has increased with the walking program. All students are welcome to have breakfast at school. It is a “grab n’ go” breakfast that can be brought to the classroom. Some of the breakfast items are: cereal, yogurt, muffins, smoothies, fruit, warm pretzels, breakfast burritos, and various types of croissants all served with milk or juice.
It is great to see students starting to ride their bicycles to school again. Getting exercise before the school day starts is great for learning! However, please be sure your child is safe on the road. Cyclists must have helmets on while on school grounds, including the skate park. It is a law for riders who are under 16 years of age to wear helmets. Please be extra alert on the roadways as there is increased bicycle traffic now. The gates on both sides of the building are closed to make the play area safer.
Our second spring concert will be held on May 16 at 6:30 PM. The April concert was intended as a showcase for K-5 classes. Each class had two songs to perform. That night was festive, fun, and appealing to all ages in the audience. The May concert is focused on the AE/MS bands. Students will have the opportunity to perform what they have learned this year with other band members.
Testing, testing, testing… Students in grades 4 and 8 will have their science skills tested in May as part of New Hampshire’s NECAP assessment. This is not as intensive as the fall testing and should not take more than three class periods. Also in May, grades 2 through 8 will complete NWEA testing for reading, math, and language usage. NWEA math scores are used for placement in freshman math classes at MVHS. Scores are used by teachers as a comparison tool for growth and gives us information on our curriculum coverage. NWEA’s are administered in the fall and spring. The second grade students are only tested in the spring. The testing takes three class periods.
We are gearing up for SHARE Day. SHARE (See How Arts Reach Everyone) Day is Friday, May 17. Students in grades 3 to 8 picked their top four workshop choices before vacation. Students in grades 1 and 2 have the day organized for them by their teachers. 1st through 8th will participate in hands-on workshops all morning and then enjoy a picnic lunch. In the afternoon students will have a chance to share what they created and then enjoy entertainment together. We are very excited that the Baker Valley Band will perform for us. They are a large wind band which includes AE/MS music teacher, Paul Hubert. Volunteers are always welcome for SHARE Day.
Field trip season has started. The 4th grade students will attend Education Day sponsored by the New Hampshire Fisher Cats which will include a baseball game and educational displays. The 4th grade students are also looking forward to the Annual Historical Society Round-Robin. They will tour historical societies in Andover, Salisbury, and Webster and then share lunch with 4th grade students from Salisbury and Webster. The second grade classes will take their traditional excursion to the Harvard Museum of Natural History. This trip is enjoyed immensely by students, staff members, and parents. It is an incredible day of learning. The 5th grade students are looking forward to their visit to the historic Belknap Mill built in 1823. This art and history center is the oldest unaltered brick textile mill in the United States.
Kindergarten Graduation is June 12. AE/MS Eighth Grade Graduation is Thursday, June 13. Field Day is Monday, June 18.