General Election 2020 – Candidate for Governor

Libertarian – Darryl Perry

By Darryl Perry

I’m running for Governor of New Hampshire on a platform of criminal justice reform, lower taxation, ballot access reform, and voting rights.

Unfortunately New Hampshire, which ranks as one of the most free states in the country, remains an island of prohibition as it relates to recreational cannabis. We would have legalized cannabis and an Independent Redistricting Commission if it weren’t for Governor Chris Sununu. Eighty-five percent of people in New Hampshire support an Independent Redistricting Commission. Seventy-four percent want cannabis to be legal, sixty-three percent oppose mandatory minimum sentences, and sixty-one percent of Granite Staters think that non-violent prisoners should be released from jail in order to reduce overcrowding. This is also a way that we could reduce government spending, by not paying to prosecute and incarcerate people.

When we legalize cannabis; if the tax rate is set by statute at one percent lower than that of any neighboring state on retail cannabis, we would wind up benefiting and again have that New Hampshire Advantage so that people aren’t going to Massachusetts from New Hampshire to buy their retail cannabis. People from Massachusetts would be driving across the border into New Hampshire to get their cannabis when they buy their cheap liquor and their fireworks. So we would win doubly by getting tax revenue and saving money.

This year, Granite Staters have the ability to vote for a candidate who supports equality of rights under the law for all, criminal justice reform, lower taxation, ballot access reform, and voting rights.