Ken Wells Offers Congratulations and Gratitude

By Ken Wells

I offer my congratulations to Louise Andrus for winning a seat in the New Hampshire House of Representatives for the 2021- 2022 term. I wish Louise the best of luck in her new roles: representing the best interests of the people of Andover, Danbury, and Salisbury before the General Court and before the House Committee to which she is currently seeking assignment. I hope Louise accepts my sincere offer of help and advice — there is a huge amount to learn about the complex machinery of government, and there are several ongoing bipartisan initiatives that directly aim to improve the wellbeing of the citizens of our district. Louise (and any concerned citizen) can call me at home to discuss the progress of these. My number is 735-5756.

To the citizens of Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, my friends, and supporters, I express my sincere and heartfelt thanks. I have really enjoyed getting to know so many folks in our district, and hearing your inspiring stories, your troubles, your hopes, and your fears. It has been a wild two years, during which I have received so many constructive ideas and “paid forward” what I can to the people in our community and in our state.

I will continue to work for the people of Andover, Merrimack County District 1, and throughout New Hampshire as an empowered citizen. I intend to continue to keep you informed of developments via these pages.


Ken Wells

Former State Representative