Present at the meeting: Steve Darling, Lindy Heim, Craig Heim, Ellsworth and Joyce Morton, Tom Frantz, Mike Loomis, and Bob Ward.
Correspondence. The Stannard and Dorothy Dunn Trust made a generous donation to FNRT.
Old Business
Technology. Web site is up-to-date, Facebook page is recording a lot of positive chatter.
Strategic planning. All presently serving officers and board members will be contacted to see if they are willing to serve another year. All present said yes. At the June 19 meeting (our annual meeting), elections will be conducted and our strategic plan will be revisited.
Fourth of July Firecracker 5K. Brian Reynolds will be race director this year. Tom Frantz, who launched this very popular and fun fundraiser, will assist him. It will operate largely as it has in the past, with railroad spike prizes going to the winners.
Land and Water Conservation Fund. Bob Ward made application, but found out via NH DOT that the Northern Rail Trail is not eligible due to the land being cited for future rail use by the federal government.
New Business
Upcoming meetings and events. On Thursday, April 25, FNRT will enjoy being the featured organization for the Coach House Restaurant’s Thursday’s Child benefit dinner.
The May monthly meeting has been cancelled.
Annual Appeal mailing. The envelope-stuffing party will take place at the Highland Lake Inn at 2 PM on Wednesday, May 1.
National Trails Day Fun Ride/Fun Walk. FNRT has scheduled a fun ride/walk starting at Gerrish Depot, Route 3, Boscawen starting at 10 AM on Saturday, June 1, in celebration of National Trails Day. There is considerable parking available onsite. Efforts will be made to publicize the event and to encourage other groups to participate.
The Governor’s Council on Physical Activity and Health is launching an effort to promote healthy activity on June 1 with a project called “The 90 Mile Challenge,” says Mike Loomis, initiative leader. Signup opportunities will be offered at the FNRT fun run/fun walk on June 1, and the project will be promoted on FNRT’s Web site and Facebook page.
Craig Heim reported on the status of fundraising for the final six-plus miles of trail building, with the goal of completing the trail in 2013. The successful RTP application and the $5,000 award from the Stannard and Dorothy Dunn Trust are major boosts to our goal of funding and completing the trail this year.
Ellsworth Morton is continuing to work with National Lumber of Boscawen to build an informational kiosk similar to the one at Potter Place. It will be located at the Gerrish Depot trail head.