On-Campus Quarantine Follows Return of Students to Proctor

Administration continues protocol of transparency

By Scott Allenby
After an extended quarantine and layers of testing, Proctor Academy welcomed students back to campus in mid-January for the remainder of the Winter Term. Proctor’s Health Center staff has been critical to the safe reopening of campus. Pictured: Director of Health Services Sue Norris and nurses Mindy Bicknell and Michele Stetson. Caption: Scott Allenby. Photo: Lindsey Allenby

At the time of this article’s submission to the Beacon (January 18), Proctor Academy is in the midst of an on-campus quarantine following the school’s repopulation of boarding and day students over the past week.

After a successful Fall Term of in-person learning, Proctor operated remotely from November 20 through January 14. The multi-phased reopening of campus in January layered three separate PCR tests for each student, dorm-pod quarantines, and isolation following positive COVID-19 test results and close contacts before returning to in-person classes, athletics, and afternoon programming.

Proctor’s administration has, and will continue to, communicate any positive COVID-19 tests to the Andover Elementary/Middle School leadership, the Andover Town Administrator, and other Town officials. Boarding students will remain bubbled on Proctor’s campus until a baseline of health is established.

A complete overview of Proctor’s COVID-19 Return to School plan can be found online at ProctorAcademy.org/about/covid-19-return-to-school-plan.