I’d like all Andover voters to know that I have sent a petitioned warrant article, signed by 36 fellow voters, to the Select Board for the 2021 Andover Town Meeting. The warrant article directs the Select Board to tell our Congressional delegation to work toward immediate passage of Medicare for All. The wording of the petition is as follows:
“WHEREAS, the Medicare for All Act of 2019 (H.R. 1384/S. 1129) would provide national health insurance for every person in the United States for all necessary medical care including prescription drugs; hospital, surgical and outpatient services; primary and preventive care; emergency services; reproductive care; dental and vision care; and
“WHEREAS the health and quality of life for the residents of Andover will improve with Medicare-for-All because they would be able to get the ongoing care they need, without limited networks and without co-pays and deductibles; and
“WHEREAS the Medicare-for-All Act of 2019 would result in the elimination of town and school district insurance costs and result in lower property taxes for the residents of Andover.
“FY 2020-21 Budgeted Health costs (information available Dec. 7, 2020):
Town of Andover: $106,762
Andover School District: $501,460 (approximately 8.6% of school budget)
“BE IT RESOLVED that the voters of Andover, New Hampshire support the Medicare for All Act of 2019, and instruct for Andover’s congressional representatives to work toward its immediate enactment, assuring appropriate and efficient health care for all residents of the United States.
“IF A MAJORITY of voters support the question, the Select Board shall immediately send a written notice to Andover’s US congressional delegation informing them of the instructions of their constituents within 30 days of the vote.”
Here are my reasons for pushing for the Medicare for All Act (H.R.1384 and S. 1129), introduced in February 2019. The Act aims at extending the benefits of Medicare nationally.
1. Medicare has worked very well for me, especially three years ago when I needed 44 radiation treatments to destroy a cancer. Without Medicare the expenses would have been ruinous. And over the years I have been treated seamlessly by multiple medical specialists. This is a quality of care I want for everyone.
2. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed serious deficiencies in today’s health care delivery. It has also revealed gross economic inequalities. Adopting Medicare for All would address many of these issues.
3. Medicare for All would provide higher quality and better health outcomes at lower costs. The Congressional Budget Office released a report in December that found that Medicare for All “would not only guarantee coverage for every person in the country but would also reduce overall healthcare spending nationwide,” by $650 billion per year.
4. Medicare for All would lower local taxes by eliminating the expenses for health insurance for town and school employees.
5. Medicare for All has broad support. According to a Fox News exit poll, 72 percent of Americans are in favor. The same is true for New Hampshire doctors. Other New Hampshire towns — Hanover, Holderness, Grantham, and Peterborough — have approved similar articles in 2020. Senators Hassan and Shaheen and Representative Kuster should hear from Andover as well!
Please join me in voting for the petition at the virtual town meeting.
By Kent Hackmann