Lisa Burbach – Candidate for School Board

By Lisa Burbach

My name is Lisa Burbach and I’m seeking the privilege to serve our community as a member of the Andover School District School Board.  The composition of our School Board is very important because a handful of Andover residents are tasked with making critical decisions about the education of our children, and I’d be honored to represent what I believe would be a student-centered perspective.

As a product of a high quality New Hampshire public education myself (including the University of New Hampshire), I understand the far-reaching value of comprehensively educating and preparing our students to become contributing members of the community.  The learning provided at the Andover Elementary/Middle School establishes the foundation for all future opportunities available to the children of our town.

My career as a life-long professional educator enables me to bring more than 30 years of practical experience and understanding of New Hampshire’s public education systems to the Board, thus providing a level of expertise to the decision-making process which I sincerely hope will allow me to serve our town as a School Board member knowledgeably and responsibly.

I can assure you that I will always take time to carefully contemplate the consequences of all I say and do in service to Andover and will strive to balance my civic duty to serve the best interests of our students with the fiduciary responsibility to our town.  I’d be genuinely appreciative for your vote.