Enrollment for next year is in full swing, with limited spaces still available. Please contact us at 735-5105 or EAVP@nulltds.net if you are interested in having your 3 to 5 year old attend EAVP in the fall.
Up on the hill in East Andover, we are busily watching for signs of spring outside. With the melting snow comes mud, and our preschoolers sure do not hesitate to get dirty!
We want to send a big thank you to our neighbors Kathy and Wyman Ordway for giving us permission to explore the woods in our backyard. We are looking forward to this new opportunity to get out in nature and expand our learning and exploration outside of the four walls of our playground.
This month we welcomed a new teacher to join our fabulous team, Miss Robyn. Miss Robyn grew up in Andover, attending EAVP and AE/MS. She dreamt of being a teacher since she was nine years old. She holds an associate’s degree in early childhood education from NHTI and a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and teachers contract from Plymouth State University.