Openings for the 2021-2022 school year are still available.
We are excited to announce our first in-person fundraiser this year! Typically, we host our Creepy Crawl 5K in the fall, but with the challenges of COVID that was not able to happen.

This year’s theme for our 5K fundraiser is Preschool Prom! Join us on Sunday, May 23, for a fun day of running, dancing, and activities! We cannot wait to see everyone in their prom attire. Prizes for Best Dressed along with top winners.
Register by May 1 to receive a free T-shirt (there may be few left on the day of registration). To register go to RunSignUp.com/Race/NH/Andover/eavpkids. 9 AM is the Kids fun run – ages five and under; and the one mile sprint – ages six to 10. The 5K run/walk starts at 9:30 AM. The event location is the East Andover Volunteer Fire Department.
In other news, here at the preschool we are gearing up for spring with planting and getting our garden ready. We have started some plants inside while weeding and preparing the garden beds outside.
We have also loved digging for worms and bringing books outside about bugs and other spring topics to reference while we explore. We have been taking advantage of some of the nice days we have had and have been enjoying picnic lunches!