Andover Resident Reminds People to Support Farm Stands

By Kent Hackmann

Now that I am vaccinated and go without worries to the Transfer Station on Saturday mornings, I am paying attention to our local farm stands.  I highlight three that cater to my single-item needs.

For crusty homemade sourdough bread, I stop at Crow Tree Farm, at 72 Main Street; Malora Moore and Joe Rice, owners.  They stock their  farm stand daily with a wide selection of fresh vegetables, goat milk cheeses, and much more raised right on the farm.

For strawberries, I have gone to the Twin Mountain Farm at 76 Shaw Hill Road, where Anthony Munene grows a variety of vegetables for his Community Supported Agriculture contract customers.  On three successive Saturday mornings he picked strawberries while they lasted.  I look forward to blueberries and other fruits later in the season.

Third, for rhubarb, I go to Tim Gallagher at his Windswept Farm at 381 Flaghole Road.  Many of you know him over the years for his versatility and produce.  In addition to rhubarb, he grows tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant, as well as greens, asparagus, and root crops.  

Getting produce raised without fertilizers or pesticides is a plus, as is the knowledge that the items are undeniably fresh.  Customers know they are supporting our local farmers who are “working their butts off,” as a knowledgeable friend remarked recently. 

Kent Hackmann