Andover Select Board Minutes – May 17, 2021

Condensed from approved minutes.

Members present: Joe Dudek and John Kinney, Road Agent Jon Champagne, and citizen Donna Duclos.

Library Entrance

Library trustees presented new ideas for the entrance and concerns over waiting for a
building project. They have met with Doug Bent who suggests an earth and pavement

ramp to decrease the cost. Design remains the same.

Road Agent’s Report

They have been ditching inlets and outlets. Completing work on Bridge Road. Swept roads with new sweeper. 

Cemetery spring clean up is underway and will be complete before Memorial Day. Bill Keyser called re: water at the cemetery. Elita sent a quote today.

Tree company will be working in town soon. 

R&D Paving has confirmed pre-July 1 work, and Jon will establish a meeting with Proctor.

Overlook Avenue: Jon would like to make a turn-around. Will need to meet with

Public Participation: Pat Frost and Mr Hannibal. Pat and Tim presented information and documentation concerning culvert and flooding of properties on Maple Street. Culvert upgraded 15 to 20 years ago and dumps into Tim’s land and floods basement. Logging has caused increase in run-off.

New Business

DOT needs to meet with Select Board regarding 2024 project. Todd is in contact.

Voted to reopen office as soon as we meet with office personnel.

Plastic recycling may be an option in Hanover.

Select Board unanimously voted to approve Beach House work.

Select Board unanimously voted to discontinue COVID cleaning.