The Town of Andover’s Recreation Committee has been hard at work planning and executing this fall’s soccer season. Soccer program co-directors Abby Webster and Scott Allenby have helped oversee teams at the kindergarten through second grade, third and fourth grade, and fifth and sixth grade levels. In total, 73 Andover youth are participating in soccer this fall! A big thank you to our coaches:
K-2: Brandon and Jess Adams and Molly Leith
Grade 3-4: J. Koron, Kayden Will, Lindsey Allenby, and Shane Szilagyi
Grade 5-6 Girls: Molly Leith, David and Cortney Johnson
Grade 5-6 Boys: Scott Allenby and Adam Jones
The Committee is actively planning for the learn-to-ski program and basketball program this winter, and more information will be shared with families through the AE/MS newsletter and mail lists.
After more than 20 years on the Recreation Committee, Director Tom Frantz is stepping down from his post this fall. Tom’s endless commitment to the youth of the town will be greatly missed, and we thank him for his decades of service to the Committee.
With significant turnover in committee membership, there are opportunities for volunteers to step onto the committee. Please contact secretary Scott Allenby at if you are interested in helping lead a program or getting involved.