The campuses of Andover Community Church and East Andover Village Preschool would like to invite you to an open house on Sunday, November 14, where the Right Reverend Andrew Williams, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of New England, will be installing Reverends Bill and Cinnamon Blomquist as Rector and Rector Associate respectively and confirming those desiring to be confirmed and received in the faith.
Afterwards, the grounds will be opened with refreshments, soups, beverages, cider, and snacks in the church, Grange Hall, and church offices. The East Andover Village Preschool will be open with snacks for you to come and see the wonderful ways the children are learning and even obtain information on enrollment.
The day begins at 1 Chase Hill Road in Andover at 10 AM with Services of Installation and Confirmation (with Communion), after which, from 12 to 2 PM, food and fellowship will be offered around the campus. Come out, meet your new pastors, and visit with the Bishop and other guests, too!
Other activities of Andover Community Church include:
Clothing Shed: Drop off your linens, sheets, clothes, shoes in the shed just up the driveway to serve missional needs around the world through St. Pauly’s Textile.
Rummage Sale: The final rummage sale of the year takes place on Saturday, October 30, from 9 AM to 2 PM, in the Grange Hall. Scrumptious baked goods, too!
Mission of the Month: Each month the church receives offerings and goods for a particular cause or mission, locally and abroad. In the past we contributed to Heal Our Patriots (through Samaritan’s Purse), Voice of the Martyrs, the Franklin Food Pantry, plus many more.
This month we are participating in Operation Christmas Child. If you’re interested in contributing to our Mission of the Month, contact us at
Franklin Street Ministry. Each Wednesday from 4 to 5:30 PM you’ll see a team of folks handing out food, giving away clothes, and praying for others just outside the laundromat. Swing by and say, “Hi!”
Public Service of Healing: The fifth Sunday of the month we offer healing to those in the church and community with communion and the anointing of oil. Laying on of hands are additionally offered by trained healing ministers. The next Public Service of Healing will take place on Sunday, October 31. All are welcomed.
Israel: Dan to Beersheba III. Pastor Bill will be leading a Christian Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from April 20 to 30, 2022. This is a 10-day tour featuring many of his favorite places, with times of reflection and worship built into the schedule. Interested parties can reach Pastor Bill through his website at
For information on the Community-Wide Open House and other activities of the church, including bulletins, liturgies, readings, and Zoom addresses, visit us at