At EAVP, we take every opportunity possible to teach our preschoolers about kindness and teamwork. In our classroom we have been focusing on communication, problem solving, and expanding our imaginations. As educators it is our job to help prompt and promote our students’ dramatic play.
Our preschoolers recently expressed an interest in camping and hiking. Using our emergent curriculum teaching approach, we often expand off of their dramatic play ideas.
We set up two tents in our classroom along with camping materials (toys) such as binoculars, lanterns, multiple purpose tools, pots, pans, canteens, backpacks, a pretend fire, and of course a stick with a marshmallow to roast.
We have been working with our older preschoolers to learn and understand expectations for kindergarten next year. Helping our children prepare for what is to come is beneficial to their overall development and self-confidence.
As the seasons begin to change, we are taking full advantage of what is left of the nice weather and all the magical learning opportunities nature has to offer, from gathering natural materials outside for our sensory table to making soup in our mud kitchen using natural “ingredients” found on the playground. We are excited to see what new experiments, exploring, and learning opportunities we can find once the snow arrives.
Thank you to all who participated in the October Cash Calendar fundraiser; we will be drawing names this month. We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!