Take a moment, please, to absorb the message of the two graphics that accompany this article. Three important facts should spring out at you:
1. With only two months to go, the Beacon is about $4,000 and 140 homes short of its 2021 fundraising goals.
2. If you can help us cover our 2021 costs soon, your support will be twice what you actually donate … thanks to a special group of your very generous, very community-minded neighbors.
3. Wow! 159 of your friends and neighbors have already shown their support for the Beacon this year. We all owe them a big “Thank you!”
If you’ve never donated to the Beacon before, then your entire 2021 donation(s) to the Beacon will be matched.
If you’ve donated before but can increase your total 2021 donation(s) above the level of your earlier donation, then the match will apply to that entire increase. Either way, you’ll be making a big difference for the Beacon and for our community.
Our non-profit community newspaper is one of the most visible and most impactful ways in which we can keep Andover strong. Please, don’t miss this opportunity to send a powerful message about how much Andover residents care about maintaining a strong sense of community through these uncertain times.
The clock is ticking … can you make a difference before the New Year’s Eve ball drops?
Send a check to PO Box 149, Andover NH 03216, or visit AndoverBeacon.com/Donate to donate online with a credit card or your PayPal account. Thank you!