Committees of the Andover Garden Club have been busy making plans to fulfill its membership’s expectations of increasing horticultural knowledge and serving the community through civic beautification. Exciting formal and informal educational offerings are being planned, in addition to regular business meetings, interesting speakers, and special trips to plant nurseries, historic gardens, and garden events.
Program-Education Committee members Pam Cooper, Christine Dixon, Liz Kingsley, Darrell Lockwood, Marie Nardino, and Bill Swenson have worked hard to develop an exciting program calendar for 2022 that accommodates as many Club members and interests as possible.
The season kicks off with a seed-starting presentation with Dave Murray from Murray Farm Greenhouse in Penacook to be held on Thursday, February 17, from 6 to 8 PM at the Hub. Stay tuned for more information about other upcoming programs and events; to keep up to date, follow us on FaceBook at AndoverNHGardenClub.
Regular meetings will be held on Wednesdays about every six weeks from March through November. In order to meet the needs of Club members’ varying schedules, times will alternate between mid-afternoon and early evening. Note your calendars and join us on Wednesday, March 23 from 2 to 4 PM; Wednesday, April 27, from 6 to 8 PM (brown bag supper); Wednesday, June 8, from 3 to 5 PM; and Wednesday, July 20, from 6 to 8 PM (brown bag picnic at offsite garden TBA.)
Special workshops, presentations, and outings will be held outside of regularly scheduled business meetings. Not a member? Join now by emailing We would love to hear from you about what you think about program topics, membership, and schedules!
While the Program-Education Committee has been hard at work, Beautification Committee members Gisela Darling, Anne Hewitt, Gail Parenteau, Joan Ryan, Roxanne Shedd, and Jen Turner have been exploring possibilities for civic beautification and have created a long list of locations and seasonal themes. Come spring, watch for signs of this committee’s and volunteers’ growing involvement in town gardens and public places.
But, they need help! We all know that keeping gardens beautiful throughout the growing season requires faithful watering. Unfortunately, not all garden locations have access to water, making it necessary to transport heavy jugs and watering cans from garden to garden. And even when there is a water source available, dragging heavy hoses can be a difficult chore.
Our solution? A donation or loan of a vehicle (a truck with an open bed would work) in which a large water tank could be placed and a hose attached. And voila! We have on demand water. Please let us know if you can help or have any other thoughts.
Please consider joining our club and helping to further our mission “to connect like-minded individuals; to promote civic beautification; and to further the education of members in the fields of horticulture, landscape design, and ecologically sustainable conservation practices.”
For more information, email The Andover New Hampshire Garden Club is a program of the Andover Community Hub, and membership is free to all.