Proposed Conservation Subdivision Expands Housing Options

Ordinance included on ballot for March 8

By Planning Board

A new Conservation Subdivision ordinance will be on the ballot before Andover voters on Tuesday, March 8. The Andover Planning Board and the Andover Conservation Commission both recommend a “yes” vote to adopt the new ordinance.

The new Conservation Subdivision ordinance aims to protect Andover’s open spaces and wild areas from “suburban sprawl,” while also creating more options for building the types of attractive housing that are in high demand today. The new ordinance encourages the construction of quality housing with low heating and upkeep costs, while empowering the Planning Board to reject the types of structures that would be out of keeping in Andover.

The wording of the ordinance was carefully chosen by the Planning Board after nearly two years of research and discussion. It was then reviewed by citizens at two public hearings held in January.

Voting “yes” to accept the new Conservation Subdivision will protect Andover’s “rural New England town character” while encouraging the creation of attractive, high-quality housing that will meet our community’s needs and desires into the future.