Having served for three terms on the Board of Library Trustees – and as treasurer for those years – I welcome the opportunity to serve a fourth term. The board, along with our dedicated librarians, has worked hard to expand the special programs offered to the community and to provide Andover residents of all ages and reading tastes with the information they need and a wide selection of books for their enjoyment, education, and personal growth.
We’ve also updated the building systems of the WA Bachelder Library in East Andover and the energy efficiency of both library buildings so they can be operated in as fiscally prudent a way as possible.
As someone who enjoys reading herself, I also enjoy being involved in making our two small libraries the best they can be and continuing to work toward the goal of making sure all Andover residents can avail themselves of the opportunities for learning that our libraries provide.
In addition to being a Library Trustee, I’m also on the Board of Directors of the Andover Community Hub and a member of the Andover Energy Group.