Andover Conservation Commission Minutes – February 9, 2022

Andover Conservation Commission
February 9, 2022
Final Minutes

Present: Nancy Robart, Tina Cotton, Jesse Schust, Sooze Hodgson, Lee Wells, Jerry Hersey, Jenny Bodwell

Also attending: Andy Deegan, ASLPT

Jesse moves that we make Sooze and Tina voting members for this meeting, seconded by Lee. All in favor.

Bog Pond Parcel: Jesse has been in touch with Andy Deegan of Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust as a result of concerns by the abutters who asked if that land between Bog Pond and Route 4A could be put into conservation easement. The land has wetlands, vernal pools, abundant wildlife, and varied plants and is in the highest-ranked biological area noted by New Hampshire Fish and Game.

Andy said that it is important that we have a plan, in case the present purchase and sales agreement falls through.  Andy suspects that the landowner simply wants to make some money off it, and Andy is not adverse to working with this kind of landowner. ASLPT is open to owning the land; they own other land in Andover.  

We would need to get a quote to take the structure down; ASLPT can only contribute up to the appraised amount of the land. We would need to have it appraised. 

Andy has a land committee meeting next March. Andy will present a plan for purchasing the property. If we get a fee appraisal, it would be less, roughly $1,500. Andy has done fundraising campaigns in Andover, and they are happy to do it again. Andy thinks we could have a successful campaign.  

Andy wants to go forward to his land committee and board. ASLPT would own and conserve the property.

Jesse’s proposed letter to the ZBA, submitted at the meeting, recommended that the ZBA should require an official mapping of the wetland if they are so inclined to allow this current purchase agreement by Whyte Landholding, LLC.

Lee has contacted Earle Chase, Rick Libbey, and Ty Morris about this issue. Ty came up with a great suggestion that the ACC work with a real estate agent to look out for property like this coming on the market, who can try to prevent land from possibly being degraded.

Motion by Sooze, seconded by Jesse, all in favor, to present this statement at the ZBA meeting:

The ACC believes that the plans of Whyte Landholdings LLC are not compatible with the total wetland functionalities of the property parcel. If allowed there could be significant and potentially permanent environmental damage, risk of pollution, negative impact on the aquifer, flora, and fauna, and the ACC therefore opposes a zoning exception for this property. 

Website: Town and ACC’s website still needs updating because Alan is no longer a member.

Correspondence: An email from Michelle Dudek, who would like to meet with Jesse and Nancy to go over RSAs and the ACCs responsibilities.

March Event: Kline easement snowshoe event in Andover.

Planning Board:  Status update on Conservation Subdivision. Where will be an article in the March issue of the Beacon.  Hearings helped fine-tune the proposal. It will be on the ballot.

Motion to move our March meeting to March 2: all in favor. Jesse will publicly post the change.

Beaver Deceiver: Nancy spoke with Michelle Lambert, who will connect with Marj. Michelle will continue overseeing and cleaning the BDs on her property and will need to sign a contract giving the Town peace of mind that she will take care of it.

Community Outreach: Joe Schmidl works for the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and is a member of the Salisbury Historical Society. Jesse is working with him through the Andover Historical Society about giving a talk on the geology of the towns and its impact on the development of the town.  Motion made by Jesse that we co-sponsor the event, seconded Jenny, all in favor.

SRK Greenway: Had Solo wilderness training for 20 people for safety in the woods. Sooze will try to do an article later on the lead (graphite) mine in Goshen.

Motion made by Jesse to send the following letter to the Beacon, seconded by Jenny, all in favor. Lee will send it to the Beacon.

The ACC supports the adoption of the Conservation Subdivision zoning proposal.  This will allow Andover to continue to preserve green space and develop different types of housing that is needed in our town.

Action items:

Jesse: Read statement at ZBA meeting.

Lee: Submit letter about Conservation subdivision.

Nancy: Talk with Mary Anne Broshek about obtaining saplings and other plants from the Merrimack Conservation District.

Work with other organizations that have some similar goals such as the Andover Garden Club.

Jenny and Jesse will meet to talk about managing the ACC website.

Jesse will work on recording a tutorial on accessing logging permits and maps on the internet.