Parent-Child Playgroup Hopes to Launch at the Hub This Spring

From infants to five-year-old children

By Susan Chase

Several Andover parents are hoping to launch a weekly parent/child playgroup for infants to five-year-olds, to begin this spring on Wednesday mornings at the Andover Community Hub.  Other parents with preschool kids who would enjoy some play time with other children are asked to contact Alison Holler at 505 234-5784 by phone or text, or at to let her know of their interest.

The group would offer a chance for indoor social play, some activities and crafts, as well as a chance for parents to get to know each other. Moms or dads would stay with their children  and share in planning and carrying out developmentally appropriate group activities.  The group may also be looking for donations of good basic toys, puzzles, and books, once the group has further developed their plans.

For information about the Hub and to be added to the Hub’s ongoing email list, parents and any other interested readers can contact