The Andover Select Board and Town personnel thank everyone who came out to vote and attend Town Meeting on March 8. This year’s Town Meeting was well attended, and discussions and questions were thoughtful, respectful, and productive. Likewise, the annual meeting was efficient and expertly moderated.
The overall support for our town is promising and encouraging. Because of your support and yes-votes, we are looking forward to hiring a full time Highway Department Supervisor at a competitive wage, building a Town Garage to house our Highway Department, fully funding all Capital Reserve and Expendable Trust Funds, and providing for our town with a reasonable budget.
We hear the concern and frustration over the lack of information in the Annual Report and will work to rectify that by providing more detailed and accurate information throughout the report.
We strongly encourage all residents to attend meetings and public hearings and to reach out to the Town Administrator or Select Board with ideas, concerns, and questions.