On Sunday, April 10, 2022, at 5 PM, the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge (SRK) Greenway Coalition will hold its 2022 Annual Meeting. This year the meeting will be in person and will be held at the White Church in North Sutton, overlooking Kezar Lake.
Members and guests are welcome. There will be a brief annual business meeting at which the new SRK officers will be announced and a few of the SRK’s accomplishments from 2021 and 2022 will be highlighted. The guest speaker will follow the brief business meeting.
Sorry! There will be no pot-luck supper before the meeting this year. Watch for an announcement later in the summer for an SRK-sponsored barbecue.
The guest speaker will be Dave Anderson, speaking about The Forest History and Land Protection History of Mount Sunapee.
“Beginning in 1911, Philip Ayers of the fledgling Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests worked with Sunapee resident Herbert Welch and others to forever protect the core 656 acres on the north slopes of Mount Sunapee. Eventually the Forest Society’s Mount Sunapee ownership exceeded 2,100 acres, including Lake Solitude and the summit ridge.
“Subsequently, the Great Hurricane of ’38 and the Sunapee Ridge fire in October 1947 reshaped the forestland at Mount Sunapee, with the exception of protected pockets of old growth forest still found on the peak today.”
Join Dave Anderson, Senior Director of Education for the New Hampshire Forest Society, to re-learn some of the forgotten early history of Mount Sunapee.