With a campaign invitation to “Come on In,” the Andover Community Hub, having achieved more than three-quarters of its $100,000 capital campaign to make its headquarters more user-friendly, is extending its outreach more widely to local individuals, families, and small businesses to help bring its fundraising effort over the top.
The campaign funds received will support construction of a community kitchen, a ramp to provide universal building access, an accessible bathroom, and a new waterproof roof in Andover’s Old Town Hall at 157 Main Street, now the Hub headquarters.
As of March 19, The Hub had received $55,272 in gifts and grants, mostly from foundations, local businesses, and unsolicited contributions, and another $23,395 in pledged grants, for a total of over $78,000.
Going forward, members of the Hub’s board of directors will be using phone calls, emails, and the US Postal Service to contact potential sources of support for the “Come on In” project.

Everyone in town who appreciates the preservation and “resurrection” of Andover’s Old Town Hall, who has made use of Hub programs and services or looks forward to doing so, or who agrees that there’s a need in town for a welcoming and active community center, is encouraged to support the efforts to rehab the building by making a contribution. As Board Chair Larry Chase says, “Lots of small donations add up, and every big or little bit makes a real difference.”
Contributions can be made by sending a check to The Andover Hub at PO Box 157, Andover NH 03216, by dropping it in the mail slot by the Hub’s front door, or by going to the Hub’s website at AndoverHub.org and making an online contribution using PayPal. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
About the response so far, Doug Phelps, chair of the Hub’s Buildings and Grounds Committee, said, “We’re of course delighted – and extremely thankful – for the support we’ve already achieved. Based on this result, we’re confident that this next round of Hub outreach will be equally generous and supportive of the Hub’s contributions to our community.”
The theme of the campaign, “Come on In,” was designed, first, to encourage area residents to learn about (and participate in) the many events and activities that the Hub has to offer; and, second, to encourage local support – financial and otherwise – for those activities and events. Construction of the designated improvements has begun and will continue throughout 2022. Watch for articles in the Beacon.