This is a great time of year. The ice is out, the loons have returned, and the lakes are especially attractive and calm now.
All of us can agree that Andover is a beautiful town and that we are lucky to live here. We have impressive hills and trails, and we have many beautiful lakes, rivers, and streams.
With this beauty and good fortune comes the responsibility to take care of our natural resources. Fortunately, there are organizations that can help us. NH Lakes is a non-profit organization whose mission is to keep New Hampshire’s lakes clean and healthy. They work with partners, promote clean water policies and responsible use, and inspire the public to care for our lakes.
Our lakes are threatened by overuse, climate change, invasive species, and pollution. It is up to all of us to help take care of our lakes. Please take the time to check out the NH Lakes website at to learn directly from them what we can do to enjoy the beauty of our lakes and protect them.
At you’ll find webinars that would be especially helpful to Andover residents who live on or near our lakes, including:
- Lake Birds: Beautiful and Sometimes Problematic
- Water Quality Friendly Lawn Care
- Septic Systems and Our Lakes
- LakeSmart: Where to Start?
- Perfluoro-what? PFAS and Persistent Contaminants in Our Lakes
- Microplastics and Our Lakes.
Some of these webinars have already taken place, and recordings can be viewed on the NH Lakes website; others are coming up, and you can register for free to take part in them.
Make the time to learn more about what we can do to be sure future generations get to enjoy our lakes as much as we do now.