Condensed from draft minutes
March 16, 2022
Plans, Projects, Proposals and Celebrations Galore!
Board Attendees: Alex Bernhard, Amy Chan, Barbara Couturier, Steve Darling, George Heaton, Lindy Heim, Cody Hussey, Dustin Ladd, Charles Martin, Myra Mayman, Ricker Miller, Don Moyer, Chris Norris, Jack Shields
Committee Member: Patrice Rasche
Welcome Guest: Gary LeBlanc, Scenic RailRiders, Concord
Business Matters
February Draft Minutes: Unanimously approved, as corrected, to include Steve Darling’s attendance at the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Dustin Ladd’s report highlighted FNRT’s most dramatic financial action: the transfer of $110,000 to the State of New Hampshire for purchase of the Pan Am right-of-way in Boscawen that will extend our Trail. Besides this, $19,000 waits in reserve for the construction of this Trail extension soon.
With recent cash contributions of about $7,000, an upcoming Annual Fund drive, and about $26,000 in uncommitted funds, FNRT is in a good position to embark on a wide range of needed Trail improvements this year. (See discussion from the Trail Building and Maintenance Committee.)
Committee Reports
Trail Building and Maintenance: Chair Don Moyer’s report focused on building of the new Boscawen extension as well as a multitude of projects on the remainder of the Trail.
Experienced chainsaw people are earnestly sought, particularly to help maintain the section between Andover and Canaan. For fun, fellowship, and further information, contact Don Moyer at
Don Moyer and Jack Shields are spearheading plans for construction of the Trail Extension in Boscawen, with no time wasted. After the recording of the deed on March 11, a meeting with NH DOT was scheduled for March 21. A Terms of Use Agreement will be designed, covering the many construction issues, such as rails, ties, brush and trees, culverts and gravel pack. Equipment will be needed, and, hopefully, contributed – an initiative that Alex Bernhard is pursuing. Our time-line aspiration for the work is mid-summer.
In attendance, Gary LeBlanc, of Scenic RailRiders offered his perspectives on this project, and agreed to work with FNRT on design and other issues that affect us both.
In addition, Don offered a “Project Scoreboard” of 14 other worthy maintenance and improvement projects, mostly in Grafton County. With plans for a 2023 Recreational Trails Program grant application in the works, the Board voted unanimously to make two sites the basis of our application: Potato Road resurfacing (Canaan) and the Route 4 overpass at Tunnel Road (Orange).
The other projects on the “Scoreboard” will be concretized further in the near future.
Administration and Finance: Although this committee had no meeting or report, Myra Mayman noted plans for our Annual Appeal “Stuffing Party” on April 13, 3 PM, at the Highland Lake Inn in East Andover, to address, stuff, and mail envelopes.
Marketing and Promotion: Although this committee had no meeting, it happily reports the publication of the March “Get On It” FNRT Newsletter.
In addition, Amy Chan reported her plans to apply for a grant to fund a “Cycling Without Age” project, which, in collaboration with Lebanon Recreation, would provide assistance to bring more seniors onto the Trail. Amy also reported on a project in Lebanon, proposed by a local Eagle Scout, to build a new bike rack and kiosk.
Technology: Chair Cody Hussey reported on plans for website migration, using Squarespace. A motion for Cody to go forward with the initiative was unanimously carried.
Exciting Events
FNRT welcomes Governor Sununu and state officials to a celebration of the finally-achieved purchase and authority for the Boscawen Extension of the Trail, held on March 25 on Hannah Dustin Island in Boscawen.