May is here! Warmer weather is so welcome. Even we are being blessed with flowers coming up.
Palm Sunday was a wonderful day of praise, worship, and “Hosannas.” At the second service, we began in the parking lot and walked into the church, raising our palms and singing. Truly, what a glorious way to start the service!
Later that week, on Maundy Thursday, the EAVP kiddos were surprised with an Easter Egg Hunt gifted by the church. All the children really enjoyed this surprise. (Not sure who enjoyed it more, the children or the adults.)
Easter began with a beautiful time watching the sunrise on Taunton Hill. Thank you, Sandra Graves, for providing such an inspirational place.
The service was followed by a breakfast provided by Judy Faller and her team in the Highland Lake Grange Hall, a community egg hunt, and a resurrection celebration complete with wonderful music and the flowering of the cross. It was quite a thrill to see a wooden cross transformed into a garden with so many colored flowers.
Later that day, Pastor Bill took off with 10 other travelers for a 13-day spiritual pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This was an exciting time of travel, from Dan to Beersheba. These trips come around about once a year and are welcomed to all. Information can be found at
This month we have a full agenda. Saturday, May 14, is Franklin Community Day where we will have a tent with free water and cookies and special games for children. So stop by to say hello, meet the pastors, receive prayer, or just talk. We love meeting new people.
On Saturday, May 21, Andover Community Church and Anglicans for Life are hosting Life Summit. Life Summit is designed to address life issues from conception to natural death and is an opportunity to hear great speakers, connect with others, and be inspired.
The gathering will feature both media presentations from the Life Summit DC gathering in January and in person speakers involved in Life ministry here in New Hampshire. Come join us at Andover Community Church, 1 Chase Hill Road, for refreshments at 8:30 AM and the summit from 9 AM to noon. For more information, contact us at 603 735-5160 or
On Saturday, May 28, the rummage/bake sale/pre-made meals start up, to run through October. The hours will be 9 AM to 1 PM. We are looking forward to seeing everyone. Please stop to say hello and look around. We have a lot of new items. Any questions, please contact Donna Thompson at 603 744-6858 (house), 603 393-5470 (cell), or
And of course, we’re already making plans for Andover’s Fourth of July celebration, where we will have a cotton candy booth on the Village Green. Yum!
We would like to take the time to thank Acer Landscaping for taking care of our parking lot during the winter and Huckleberry Propane and Oil for the great job replacing the furnace in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. Greatly appreciated!
Last but not least, we’d like to wish all mothers a Happy Mothers Day. Enjoy your day!
For more about the happenings at the church on the hill in East Andover, please visit