At 1:30 PM on Sunday, May 8, Dr. Lourdes Avilés, with her collection of amazing stories and photos of the Great New England Hurricane of 1938, will be the guest speaker for the Wilmot Historical Society.
Dr. Avilés, Program Chairman and Professor of Meteorology at Plymouth State University, has been studying the causes and effects of this devastating Hurricane since she moved to New Hampshire in 2004.
She will speak to us not only about the basics of hurricane science, but about how such storms fit within their historical times and how they affect the everyday lives of the people who live through them.
Local stories, photos, people’s journals, news and magazine articles of the times, and more are all part of the trove of research she will share with us.
The program will be held at the Wilmot Town Hall, 9 North Wilmot Road. Bring your own family stories, as well. Refreshments will be served at 1 PM, and Dr. Avilés will present her talk at 1:30 PM. The program is free and open to all.