Darlene and I have been able to attend several training classes over the last month and plan on attending more in the coming months. Thank you for your patience while we attend these.
Thank you to all residents who have registered / licensed their canine companions to date. Please remember that any dog four months or older must be registered by their owners or keepers with the Town Clerk by Saturday, April 30. All dogs must be up-to-date on their rabies vaccination at the time of registration.
After April 30, please register / license your dogs in person, as we need to calculate any late fees which, unfortunately, we cannot waive. A $25 forfeiture fee will be assessed on any dog that is not licensed by Wednesday, June 1, per RSA 466:13.
Thank you very much. You can contact our office at 603 735-5332, ext. 102.
By Lisa Meier