I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. We even got into doing our spring cleanup around the church grounds. It was nice to see the green grass. We thought it would never come!
May has been a busy month for us. Pastors Bill and Cinnamon (and 11 others) returned from Israel safe and sound. Both looked refreshed and full of the Holy Spirit. We have heard bits and pieces through their sermons and look forward to a time when they can share about their pilgrimage.
On Mother’s Day, flowers were handed out by the children in the church. We also began our baby bottle fundraiser for the Aspire Women’s Center. Monies collected will go towards helping women with certain needs. For more information, visit AspireLaconia.org. You’ll find much information there. The “piggy bank” bottles will be returned on Father’s Day, when we’ll give the monies to Aspire.
On May 14 we hosted a booth at Franklin Days. Prizes and even cotton candy were on hand to anyone who stopped by. On May 21 we hosted the first annual Life Summit, a time to honor life from conception to natural death. It was very well attended and provided opportunities for others to network.
Anglicans for Life is one of the ministries at Andover. If you would like to know more, visit our website at AndoverCommunityNH.org or contact the office at 603 735-5160.
On May 28, our first rummage/bake/pre-made meals sale of the season started up. We were very busy. It was nice to see everyone again. We missed all our friends and are happy to make new ones.
We are doing this for an awesome adventure. All the money we raise is to fix up the Highland Lake Grange Hall. These sales will be the last Saturday of the month through October.
Speaking of the Highland Lake Grange Hall, we are looking for anyone interested in painting this building. We understand that some painters are booked up until next year. We can work with this.
If you are interested, please contact Donna Thompson at 603 744-6858 (home), 603 393-5470 (cell), or CraftyDonna@nullmetrocast.net. We are getting bids now. When we have enough, the board will sit down and go through them all.
Another exciting adventure is that the Andover Coffeehouse is starting up on Friday, June 17, and Friday, August 18, at the outdoor amphitheater at AE/MS. This event starts at 6 PM. We will be there selling meals and baked goods.
If you haven’t been to one, you should come. There are many talented folks in the area. Oh, one thing: bring your lawn chairs to sit in!
In September, the Coffeehouse will return to the Highland Lake Grange Hall. These happen on the third Friday of the month.
Be looking forward to the cotton candy booth at the Fourth of July celebration. This year the flavors are cherry, blue raspberry, and a new flavor, maple. Also there will be a prayer tent for prayers. Stop by and say hi!
Finally, Andover Community Church would like to wish all the fathers a Happy Father’s Day.