In May’s issue of The Andover Beacon, an article promoting the Kearsarge Lake Sunapee Community Food Pantry (KLSCFP) was submitted by the co-chairs of this incredible nonprofit organization. This is a follow-up article from a volunteer’s perspective.
I started volunteering with the KLSCFP several months ago. As a retiree, there is no shortage for the opportunity to join and help out nonprofit or local organizations.
The KLSCFP is one of those nonprofits that functions as a well oiled machine and therefore gives me great joy and satisfaction to play a small part in their mission.
Food is one of those essential elements to living. Having access to fresh, healthy food choices is not a given for all. The cost of food and fuel is on the rise, resulting in families making hard decisions on how to stretch their income. The KLSCFP is a viable option.
Signing up for the KLSCFP is easy. When clients arrive at the Baptist Church in New London during open pantry hours, the clients are given a shopping list to fill out. In addition to food options noted in last month’s article, there’s food for dogs and cats, and bathroom and kitchen paper goods are also available, as well as snack packs for school-age children, all packaged and ready to go.
I am promoting the KLSCFP as an option to consider for access to healthy food for you, your family, and pets during a time of need. The spirit of giving at the KLSCFP was shared with me on my first day of helping out when another volunteer said to me, “When filling a client’s order, remember: When in doubt, always give more.”
For further information, please call 603 526-6511 to reach the Kearsarge Lake Sunapee Community Food Pantry.