These changes will be presented in public hearings on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 and Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7 PM in the Andover Town Hall.
Article V: Zoning District Regulations – Working Draft
D. Village District (Zone V)
1. Permitted uses:
– Neighborhood stores for the retail sale of new goods
– Neighborhood service establishments, including appliance repairs,
clothes cleaners, self service laundries and barbers.
– Tourist homes in existing buildings.
– Two family dwellings.
– Apartments
– Places for public assembly of townspeople.
– Antiques shops
– Community buildings
– Accessory buildings and uses
2. Special Exceptions
(a) Filling station and automobile repair shops where ingress and
egress of motor vehicles is approved by the Board of Selectmen as
not being likely to endanger vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic,
and where the Planning Board finds the building design conforms
with the planned development of the district.
(b) Hospitals, rest homes and convalescent homes provided that they
are located on a lot of at least two acres, plus 2000 square feet of
land for each sleeping room or ward.
(c) Public and private schools provided that they are located on a lot
of at least two acres, plus 2000 square feet of land for each
sleeping room.
(d) Offices and banks
(e) Indoor theaters for live performances.
(f) Manufacture of goods for retail sale on the premises.
(g) Restaurants
3. Lot Frontage and area:
Each lot created in the Village District after the effective date of this
ordinance shall have a minimum frontage of 150 feet and an area of at
least one acre. Lots in existence on the effective date of this Ordinance
must have a minimum frontage of 50 feet in order to change the use of
such lot.
Article IV: General Provisions
C. Agriculture and Forestry
General farming, including horticulture, dairying, livestock, poultry
raising and other agricultural uses is permitted in the Forest and
Agricultural District and the Agricultural and Residential District.
Forestry and woodlots and accessory uses, including lumbering and the
cutting of cordwood are permitted in the FA and AR Districts.
Horticulture, vegetable gardens, small flocks of hens (less that 25) and
personal pets (ponies, lambs, etc.) are permitted in any district.
E. Residence Density
Only one building for dwelling (Single family, multi- family, or apartment
building) may be constructed on any lot in the Village or Rural
Residential zones.
F. Set Back
Set back is measured from the side or rear lot lines and on street sides
for the street right of way. The following shall apply except where other
sections of this ordinance provide different measures.
Front Yard – In all districts, a minimum of thirty (30) feet will be
maintained between any part of any structure and the applicable
streets(s) right of way lines(s). Orientation of the structure on the lot
does not determine front yard location for the purpose of this
Side and Rear Yards – A distance of a minimum of fifteen (15) feet will
be maintained between any part of any structure and the lot line.
G. Parking
Adequate off street parking space shall be provided for each use, in
accordance with the following minimum standards:
1. Residential Use – No fewer than one off-street parking space of not
less than 200 square feet for each dwelling unit.
2. Driveway(s) to parking must be no wider at the curb than to allow
two cars to pass by each other safely.