Andover Conservation Commission Minutes, June 8, 2022

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Lee Wells, Sooze Hodgson, Tina Cotton, Nancy Robart, Jesse Schust, Jenny Bodwell

Also attending: Jim Delaney, Donna Duclos

Motion made to make Tina a full member for this meeting. All in favor

Select Board was to attend, but Marj and Michelle are both not feeling well.  We did talk a bit with Jim about the hearing about the sale of the land at the intersection of Dyer’s Crossing and Route 11.

ACC worked on Jesse’s letter to the Town Administrator and Select Board.  Sooze made the motion that the letter be sent with minor revisions, seconded by Jenny: all in favor.

Nancy went to the Northeast Resource Recovery Agency (NRRA) conference and felt she learned a lot there, especially regionalizing recycling efforts.  Nancy went to Wilmot and spoke with Mr. Clauson, who was interested in working with us.  Wilmot had been working with Casella and will be switching to Nottingham.

Taking Action for Wildlife: 2022 Conservation Cohort: CCs and municipal boards in the state to get involved in particular projects; three members from ACC need to attend.  On-line training sessions, and work on community project. Applications due, Wed July 15.

ASLPT Mountain Brook trail trimming on June 24, and Roby and McLeod signs installed on June 23. Can we help them out?

Financial Update: General fund, $1,050. CDs: $52,908.

NHACC’s Barbara Richter has been very helpful – well worth the dues we pay! She sent Nancy a draft for a voter petition, which might be used in regards to the Dyers Crossing land. The land is shown in GRANIT as conservation land.  It can only show in GRANIT as conservation land if the Select Board submitted it to GRANIT/UNH as conservation land. 

It does not appear to be buildable land. It is zoned Forest and Agriculture. The donor gave the land, feeling that it should be conservation land.  We should make this an official easement.
The property is described as “permanent conservation land” in GRANIT. 

Jenny will work on wording for a petition to present to the Select Board to have the town vote on the issue of placing this land into a conservation easement at the 2023 Town Meeting. ACC members will work on collecting signatures per RSA 41:14A.

ACC reviewed the properties owned by the Town for environmental concerns.

Motion made to share the research on the environmental concerns on the Town lands for sale to the Select Board, made by Nancy, seconded by Sooze. All in favor.

ZBA meeting re: Route 4A property. The application for an exception was turned down. He will appeal.

Hal Tuttle as Andover representative to the Lakes Region Planning Commission. Has he been approved by the Select Board?

Signs installed at White Oak.

Bradley Lake: A septic system may not have been connected properly. Contractor needs to submit a letter of completion that the new system is properly hooked up.

Still working on getting the Andover Garden Club to come to a meeting.

Ten Town Project: Andover is listed as a possible future participant for recycling through Susan Chase.

ACC should attend the NRRA conference every year.