South Danbury Church News September 2022

Blazing Star Grange Fair - Saturday, September 10

By Linda Wilson
The South Danbury Church’s float for the 2019 Danbury Grange Fair featured the theme “Danbury’s Got Talent.” Artelia Lyn Ellis represented the many talented bakers and cooks at the South Danbury Church. Caption and photo: Linda Wilson.

Danbury’s Blazing Star Grange Fair is Saturday, September 10.  Come and spend the day (and evening) enjoying the festivities, food, games, prizes, raffles, auction, music by Lindsey Schust and the Ragged Mountain Band, and by Cardigan Mountain Tradition – and watch for our float in the parade at 11 AM.

Looking ahead, the church’s annual Homemade Pie Sale will be on Friday, October 7, from 3 to 5 PM.  Come promptly to be sure of finding your favorites!

Thank you to everyone for your support and participation in South Danbury Church events and activities!  We are especially grateful for your donations to the South Danbury Church Essential Home Goods Shelf at the Danbury Community Center.  The non-food home goods collection began this year with a suggestion from Reverend Gail Kinney and, thanks to Kendra, the DCC is hosting it. Personal care items are especially helpful. Contributions are always welcome, and can be brought to the DCC or to church services and events.

For church news, programs, events, and announcements of worship services, follow us at Friends of the South Danbury Christian Church on Facebook; call or text 603 491-3196; or email

If you would like to be on our mailing list, send us an email.  Please contact us if you need a ride to attend worship or events.  We’ll be happy to help.

The South Danbury Church, located at 1411 US Route 4 in South Danbury, is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ, UCC.