I am glad to present some of my background and visions as a Candidate for New Hampshire Senate District 7. I was trained in Biology and Anthropology, and I have taught in a variety of schools, colleges, and universities around the world. Education provides security, mobility, and empowerment to serve the citizens of New Hampshire.

Convergent with this is my deep commitment to gender, racial, religious, and ethnic diversity; science and critical thinking on matters such as health care, reproduction, environment, and climate change; conservation; and beekeeping. Education includes the balanced study of our complex national and state history.
I am deeply engaged in human rights as an expert witness in Immigration and Homeland Security courts. This means I am focused on ethics, mutual respect, and transparency in elections in our polarized nation that serves no one.
My ethics relate to my vision of equitable taxes, especially for large corporations that do not pay their fair share.
As a war journalist in Africa, and 17 years of work at the Naval War College and recent consultant with the New Hampshire National Guard, I support our Constitution fully, noting that some weapons should only be for the military. I support the police, especially with either specific retraining or hiring other specialists for social and domestic issues.
My vision on economic issues includes raising the minimum wage, lowering property taxes and costs for housing and energy, as well as costs for childcare and support for small businesses to bring our citizens back together.
For more information, visit RichardLobbanNH.com.