Andover School Board Minutes – August 2, 2022

Condensed from approved minutes

Board Present: Aimee Menard, Dan Newton, Steve Chella

Administration Present: Randy Wormald, Dennis Dobe, Beth Page

Public Present: Janet Moore, Donna Crisp Duclos

Board Chairperson’s Report: Menard wishes the team the best for the next school year. Menard motioned to move the September meeting to Wednesday, September 7 at 6:30 PM. Newton motioned, Chella seconded. The board will discuss this when the rest of the board is present.

Public Comment: Duclos noted that at the last meeting, the ASB was considering changing the day of their meeting. She advocated to choose Mondays, so as not to conflict with other Andover town meetings.

Principal’s Report: Dobe reported that AE/MS recently received a $2,500 donation from Albert Whitehat Jr., an alumnus of Proctor Academy, which was kindly given to help to create the school’s Outing Club. 

Dobe discussed recent staffing changes for AE/MS. Currently AE/MS has holes for both a special education case manager and a technology specialist/teacher. 

Dobe spoke of some adjustments to staffing due to lower student enrollment numbers. 

Dobe reviewed the prime initiatives for the upcoming school year, which include the following: reviewing and updating the school emergency plan; expanding the Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) plan for both academics and social-emotional learning; focusing on reviewing/updating the English Language Arts curriculum; and promoting family partnerships.

Page reported that ESY went well, and it was an expanded program that allowed AE/MS to service not only students who require these services as part of their IEPs, but also students on the cusp of need, who may be receiving Title I services, etc. 

She also discussed that the holes in staffing mentioned by Dobe directly impact direct services for students and that the plans underway to remediate that need include using interventionists to provide direct services, which has been communicated to families. 

The PTO will be back up and running in the fall, and the first event is hoped to be a meet-and-greet for families.

Dobe provided an update on the boiler project for Audet, who was absent for this meeting. An inspection of AE/MS’s oil tanks are underway. Audet applied for a grant for the key/door lock; this project should be underway soon upon grant approval.

Chella asked if the Institute of Disability would have any grants for MTSS-B? He noted that as this is AE/MS’s first year with MTSS, we may qualify for some grants in that area.

New Business

The new Primex Contribution Assurance Program (CAP) contract, which is for property and liability insurance, was reviewed. This contract has a cap of 9% for the next three years, which the district is quite excited about. Newton motioned to approve the finance agreement, Chella seconded. All voted in agreement, the motion passed.

A policy labeled JLCJA was reviewed, which requires an emergency protocol plan for athletics, both injuries and general participation. This policy is required by recent legislation to be adopted before September 1. Newton proposed to waive the second reading of the JLCJA policy, and to approve it; Chella seconded. All voted in agreement, the motion passed.

Assistant Superintendent”s Report: MVSD is receiving a ropes obstacle course, which should be accessible to the ASD Outing Club.