Volunteers Scrub and Clean Gravestones at Philbrick Cemetery

Group invites others to join in on October 8 and 15

Volunteers cleaning the gravestones and foot stones at Philbrick Cemetery include, from left to right: Susan Huntoon, Ashley Hicks, Lance Ford, Beth Frost, Melissa Spencer (kneeling in front), Joe Bonanno, Susan Nellen, Dana Swenson, and Cheri Swenson. Caption and Photo: Cheryl Swenson

A group of eight hard working individuals gathered at Philbrick Cemetery at Old College Road and Maple Street to scrub and clean each gravestone and foot stone in this old graveyard.  What a difference a few hours make!  Drive by and take a look.

We will be meeting again on Wednesday, September 28, at 9 AM.  We will also be working at the Taunton Hill Cemetery as well on Saturday, October 8, and Saturday, October 15 at 9 AM. Come join the fun. 

For information or questions, email Cheryl.Swenson@nulltds.net.

A group of volunteers gathered to clean gravestones at the Philbrick Cemetery in East Andover on Old College Road. Photo: Dana Swenson