Upcoming Retirement of a Trustee Leaves Vacancy on Committee

To be filled by election at the March meeting

By Trustees of the Trust Funds

In the coming months the Trustees expect the retirement of a long-serving trustee.  That vacancy will be filled by election at the annual Town Meeting.  Contact the Town Clerk at 800 999-6343 for Town Meeting information.

The Trustees invite you to step forward to be a trustee.

The trustees meet once a month and are responsible for overseeing the receipt and disbursement of Trust funds in accordance with established procedures.

Required qualification: willing volunteer. Desirable qualification:  business, management, or accounting experience.

Interested?  If yes, please contact one of the trustees: Jeffery Dickinson at jeffery.a.dickinson@nullgmail.com, Joanne Edgar at joanne@nullLekasedgar.com, or Kent Hackmann at hackmann@nulluidaho.edu.