Planning Board Proposes Zoning Changes for Workforce Housing

To be voted on at Town Meeting in March '23

By Donna Duclos

Public Hearings were held on August 9 and September 12 at Andover Town Hall.

Citizens who wish to view the existing Zoning Ordinances in their entirety may download a copy of zo-2022_updated.pdf  from


Article IV:   General Provisions

E.  Residence Density
[NOTE:  This replaces Article IV – E which required that “only one dwelling is permitted on any one lot in any district.”]

Only one dwelling is permitted on one lot in the Farm/Agriculture and Agriculture/Residential zones. Multiple buildings for dwelling (whether single family, multi-family, or apartment building) may be constructed on a parcel in the Village or Rural Residential zones, at a rate of no more than one building per acre of buildable lot area in the parcel. (See definition of “buildable area” in Conservation Subdivision, Appendix 1). Required minimum spacing between buildings increases as the number of dwelling units increases, at a rate of 30 feet for the first dwelling unit, plus an additional 10 feet per additional dwelling unit in the building. [For example, a building containing 4 dwelling units must be placed more than 60 feet from any other dwelling.

[NOTE: The following changes to Article IV – G Residential Parking rules were made to facilitate private driveways to workforce housing; no changes were made to Parking sections G – 2 (Commercial Use) , G – 3 (Motels) and G- 4 (Assembly)]

G.  Parking
Adequate off-street parking space shall be provided for each use, in accordance with the following minimum standards:
Residential Use
– No fewer than one off-street parking space of not less than 200 square feet for each dwelling unit.
– Driveway(s) to parking must be no wider at the curb than to allow two cars to pass by each other safely.
– Multiple buildings for multi-family or apartment dwellings on one parcel may share the same private driveway.

Article V: Zoning District Regulations

[NOTE:  For the Village district, “Any permitted use allowed in the FA, AR and RR zones” was replaced with the following itemized list. As always, the Zoning Board may choose to allow specific uses not on this list, on a case-by-case basis. No substantive changes were made to D – 2 (Special Exceptions) or D – 3 (Lot frontage and area).]

D.   Village District (Zone V)

Permitted uses:
-Neighborhood stores for the retail sale of new goods
-Neighborhood service establishments, including appliance repairs, clothes cleaners, self-service laundries, and barbers.
-Tourist homes in existing buildings.
-Single and two-family dwellings.
-Apartments (Rental single and multi-family dwellings are considered Residential, and not a Commercial use with respect to Andover Zoning Ordinance, Article X “Performance -Standards for Commercial Uses”.)
-Places for public assembly of townspeople.
-Antiques shops
-Community buildings
-Combinations of the above Village-permitted uses (“mixed -use”)
-Accessory buildings and uses