Friends of the Northern Rail Trail Minutes – January 18, 2023

Board Attendees:  Alex Bernhard, Amy Chan, Barbara Couturier, Steve Darling, George Heaton, Lindy Heim, Cody Hussey, Charles Martin, Myra Mayman, Ricker Miller, Don Moyer, Joe Olimpio, Tom Rousseau.

Committee Members:  Craig Heim (Administration); Patrice Rasche; (Promotion)

Business Matters

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Tom Rousseau’s report looked in both directions:  retrospectively, recapping Year-End 2022; and prospectively presenting the 2023 Budget.

The end of the year saw a flurry of activity correspondence, bank accounts, necessary registrations, and – most impressively – donations:  approximately $11,000 in December alone.  With more than $50,000 in the bank, of which $20,000 is held in reserve, we end the year with about $33,000 available for projects on the Trail.

The 2023 Budget, compiled from Committee input, and full of spread-sheet detail in all categories of Trail activity, assumes both higher income than 2022 (from grants and donations, public and private) as well as significantly increased project expenses, which are already planned.  The “bottom line” shows a projected shortfall of around $27,000 – which we fully intend to raise from the Trail’s loyal supporters!

With this financial dynamic in mind, Tom will construct cashflow spreadsheets, to keep the Board abreast of current and anticipated positions at any time.  This is characterized as our “early-warning system,” and much appreciated.

The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously accepted.

Committee Reports

Administration Committee:  The Committee’s report, presented by Craig Heim, focused on a subject that had been discussed in committee:  a policy for board Member reimbursement for expenses.  The need for a policy of this nature came to the fore in response to occasional outside-of-budget expenses incurred by Board members – and sometimes even contractors or volunteers – in the course of Trail-related activities.  The Administration Committee offered a proposed policy to the Board.

The proposed policy generated considerable discussion, critique and on-the-spot-editing.  As this progressed, it became clear that some re-thinking is needed, which will occur in committee before another proposal is put to the full Board.

Promotion Committee:  After happy mention of the Monthly Newsletter, and requests for input to it, Cody Hussey reported that activity is ongoing, but that a report will be made in January.  Amy Chan pointed to continued coverage of the Cycling Without Age (CWA) program in the Lebanon Times, as part of our outreach to local media outlets.

Additionally, a happy coincidence for CWA should be highlighted:  at almost the very moment of the Board meeting, the Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society awarded $2,500 to CWA, expressing its support for “our shared goals of healthy and beautiful communities.”

Maintenance Committee:  In deep-winter, Trail maintenance is at a low ebb, and snowmobilers are much in evidence.  Chairman Don Moyer’s report reflected this relative calm.

Don continues his liaison with State officials, particularly the Bureau of Trails.  We are looking to the renewal of our Memorandum of Agreement with BOT, a blueprint for future cooperation.  In addition, Don has undertaken a series of meetings with town officials along the Trail, with outreach to Enfield already accomplished and Boscawen in the works.

Upcoming Events

Board of Directors Meeting, Wednesday February 15, 2023, 5 PM by Zoom.